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书籍推荐:Release It! Design and Deploy Production-Ready Software

2008年3月16日 2 条评论


Release It!: Design and Deploy Production-Ready Software
by Michael T. Nygard

2008 Jolt Productivity Award Winner (2008 Jolt生产力大奖)。

不知道Jolt Award?看看它的首页上面的一小段引用吧:

"The Jolt Awards are the Oscars of our industry."

Our industry,自然是Software industry.


“Feature complete” is not the same as “production ready.”


Too often, project teams aim to pass QA’s tests, instead of aiming for life in Production (with a capital P). That is, the bulk of your work probably focuses on passing testing. But testing—even agile, pragmatic, automated testing—is not enough to prove that software is ready for the real world. The stresses and the strains of the real world, with crazy real users, globe-spanning traffic, and virus-writing mobs from countries you’ve never even heard of, go well beyond what we could ever hope to test for.


…, enterprise-class simply means that the software must be available, or the company loses money.

书中提供了大量的例子来讲述企业级软件的稳定性(stability),容量(capacity),设计上的考虑和权衡(general design issues and trade-offs),以及如何让你的软件融入到整个信息生态系统(examine the system’s ongoing life as part of the overall information ecosystem)。



Windows Internal 5th

2008年1月20日 2 条评论


Windows® Internals: Including Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista, Fifth Edition (PRO-Developer)

Delve inside the Windows kernel with noted internals experts Mark Russinovich and David Solomon, in collaboration with the Microsoft Windows product development team. This classic guide fully updated for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008, including 64-bit extensions describes the architecture and internals of the Windows operating system. You ll find hands-on experiments you can use to experience Windows internal behavior first hand, along with advanced troubleshooting information to help you keep your systems running smoothly and efficiently. Whether you re a developer or a system administrator, you ll find critical architectural insights that you can quickly apply for better design, debugging, performance, and support.

Key Book Benefits

  • Provides the architectural perspectives and inside information needed to unlock the power of Windows
  • All-in-one volume covers Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, and Windows 2000
  • Features advanced troubleshooting information for better debugging and performance analysis efits:

Advanced Windows Debugging

2007年12月20日 1 条评论

今天在The Old New Thing上面看到的Raymond Chen推荐的新书:
Advanced Windows Debugging by Mario Hewardt and Daniel Pravat

关于这本书,Raymond Chen这样写道:

Once you get past the "basics", you still have loads more ahead of you. The book covers debugging scenarios like a corrupted heap, a deadlock, or 100% CPU usage, as well as debugging tasks, like following the trail of an LPC request from the client to the server, peeking at the token count of a semaphore, and reconstructing a partially-corrupted stack—and illustrates each investigation with both discussion and annotated debugger output. All the things that seasoned developers take for granted (because they have become instinctual after years of experience) are spelled out for you.

网站上面还有Mark Russinovich的评论:

"I’ve been debugging my own Windows applications and device drivers for over ten years, but when I reviewed the manuscript I learned about new techniques, tools, and debugger commands that I’d never come across, and that I’ve already found use for."

Mark Russinovich
Technical Fellow, Microsoft Corporation

