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Visual C++的未来

来自Somasegar’s Weblog:

Visual C++ Futures

This team will be significantly increasing support for native development tools.  Central to this work is investigating ways to make C++ developers far more efficient in understanding, updating and validating the quality of large native code bases.  In fact, the team is already working on a front-end rewrite that will allow for a vastly improved IntelliSense experience.  This same work should pave the way for future enhancements such as refactoring and advanced source code analysis.

其中最激动人心的部分,就是微软决定将更多的精力放在Native Code编程的环境提升上面。现在的VS2005对于managed code的productivity已经做得很好了,从自动提示,自动完成,code snippet到重构支持,但是对于Native C++的支持除了增强了自动提示之外,其他的几乎都没有支持的很好。Visual Assist的自动完成和Code Snippet都有支持,但是重构支持离实用还有一定距离。CodeRush的重构工具Refactor! Pro宣称对于重构的支持非常好,但是对于大型程序几乎一定会挂掉,基本上也是不可用的状况。微软官方IDE支持的C++的重构,也许有点值得期待的东西。

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